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QUERY: Chem Comp Monomers (Polymer Entity Container Identifiers) = "DAM" | MyPDB Login | Search API |
Search Summary | This query matches 18 Structures. |
Structure Determination MethodologyScientific Name of Source OrganismMore... TaxonomyExperimental MethodPolymer Entity TypeRefinement Resolution (Å)Release DateEnzyme Classification NameSymmetry TypeSCOP Classification | 1 to 18 of 18 Structures Page 1 of 1 Sort by
NMR structure of cyanobacterial toxin, phosphatase-1/-2A inhibitor(1995) Nat Struct Biol 2: 114-116
NMR structure of cyanobacterial toxin, phosphatase-1/-2A inhibitor(1995) Nat Struct Biol 2: 114-116
Protein serine/threonine phosphatase-1 (alpha isoform, type 1) complexed with microcystin-LR toxinGoldberg, J., Nairn, A.C., Kuriyan, J. (1995) Nature 376: 745-753
NMR minimized average structure of microcystin-LR(1996) Biochemistry 35: 3197-3205
Crystal structure of a protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) holoenzyme.(2007) Nature 445: 53-57
Structure of the Protein Phosphatase 2A Core Enzyme Bound to Tumor-inducing ToxinsXing, Y., Xu, Y., Chen, Y., Jeffrey, P.D., Chao, Y., Shi, Y. (2006) Cell 127: 341-353
Structure of the Protein Phosphatase 2A HoloenzymeXu, Y., Chen, Y., Xing, Y., Chao, Y., Shi, Y. (2006) Cell 127: 1239-1251
Crystal structure of Protein Phosphatase 2A (PP2A) holoenzyme with the catalytic subunit carboxyl terminus truncatedXing, Y., Xu, Y., Chen, Y., Chao, Y., Lin, Z., Shi, Y. (2006) Cell 127: 1239-1251
Crystal Structure of Protein Phosphatase 2A (PP2A) with C-terminus truncated catalytic subunitChen, Y., Xing, Y., Xu, Y., Chao, Y., Lin, Z., Jeffrey, P.D., Shi, Y. (2006) Cell 127: 1239-1251
Structure of heterotrimeric G protein Galpha-q beta gamma in complex with an inhibitor YM-254890Nishimura, A., Kitano, K., Takasaki, J., Taniguchi, M., Mizuno, N., Tago, K., Hakoshima, T., Itoh, H. (2010) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107: 13666-13671
Structure of a Protein Phosphatase 2A Holoenzyme with B55 subunitXu, Y., Chen, Y., Zhang, P., Jeffrey, P.D., Shi, Y. (2008) Mol Cell 31: 873-885
Structural Basis of PP2A and Sgo interaction(2009) Mol Cell 35: 426-441
X-Ray structure of a CypA-Alisporivir complex at 1.5 angstrom resolutionDujardin, M., Bouckaert, J., Rucktooa, P., Hanoulle, X. (2018) Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun 74: 583-592
Serine/Threonine phosphatase Z1 (Candida albicans) binds to inhibitor microcystin-LRChoy, M.S., Chen, E.H., Peti, W., Page, R. (2016) mBio 7:
Crystal structure of Protein Phosphatase 1 (PP1) bound to the muscle glycogen-targeting subunit (Gm)Choy, M.S., Kumar, G.S., Peti, W., Page, R. (2018) Sci Adv 4: eaau6044-eaau6044
PP1 H66K in complex with Microcystin LRChoy, M.S., Moon, T.M., Bray, J.A., Archuleta, T.L., Shi, W., Peti, W., Page, R. (2019) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 116: 20472-20481
PP1 Y134A in complex with Microcystin LRChoy, M.S., Moon, T.M., Bray, J.A., Archuleta, T.L., Shi, W., Peti, W., Page, R. (2019) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 116: 20472-20481
PP1 Y134K in complex with Microcystin LRChoy, M.S., Moon, T.M., Bray, J.A., Archuleta, T.L., Shi, W., Peti, W., Page, R. (2019) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 116: 20472-20481
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