
Succinate dehydrogenase [rhodoquinone] flavoprotein subunit 1, mitochondrial

UniProtKB accession:  Q33862
Grouped By:  Matching UniProtKB accession
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q33862
UniProtKB description:  Flavoprotein (Fp) subunit of the mitochondrial electron transport chain complex II which, together with the iron-sulfur protein (Ip) subunit forms the catalytic core of the complex (PubMed:12742584, PubMed:17933581, PubMed:2843227, PubMed:7739664, PubMed:7822332, PubMed:8435436). During the parasitic larvae and adult stages, which occur in an anaerobic environment, acts as a fumarate reductase by transferring electrons from rhodoquinol to fumarate (PubMed:12742584, PubMed:17933581, PubMed:2843227, PubMed:7739664, PubMed:7822332, PubMed:8435436).
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