Special Events in Albuquerque at ACA 2014
From May 24-28, the RCSB PDB will be at the 2014 Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association (ACA) in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Many activities will highlight features of the new wwPDB Deposition and Annotation System.
Win door prizes and more at these special events:
- Demonstration and Q&A.
Learn about the new features and enhancements of the new (and in production) wwPDB Deposition and Annotation System. Door prizes to be awarded! This event will take place Sunday, May 25 at 5pm in the Mesilla Room (one level above the exhibit hall and main session rooms, near the speaker ready room).
- Helen Berman presents Databases in Crystallography: Past, Present, and Future as part of the Transactions Symposium: 100 Years of Crystallography session on Sunday.
- Exhibition booth 212: Take the Depositor Survey about submission tools, Ask an Annotator your questions, and more.
- Jasmine Young will present the New wwPDB Deposition and Annotation System as part of the Sunday poster session.
- The RCSB PDB Poster Prize will be awarded to recognize a student poster presentation involving macromolecular crystallography.
The RCSB PDB will also be building virus and DNA models at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science on Saturday alongside the ACA's workshop for high school teachers Crystallography: World of Wonders and the lunchtime lecture M.C. Escher and Crystallography presented by Dr. Doris Schattschneider.

Door prizes at the Sunday Q&A session include an autographed copy of David S. Goodsell's book The Machinery of Life; a copy of the original, out-of-print 2002 poster Molecular Machinery: Tour of the Protein Data Bank; and a printed copy of the new 2014 poster Molecular Machinery: Tour of the Protein Data Bank