Explore PDB Structures by Browsing Annotations
RCSB PDB's Browse Database feature offers access to structures in the PDB archive using different hierarchical trees.
Browsers are available to find structures organized around the following classifications:
- Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification System from the WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology
- Membrane Proteins in the PDB are identified using the mpstruc database (Stephen White, UC Irvine), sequence clustering, and data derived from UniProt
- Protein Symmetry, as calculated for all protein complexes in the PDB, and updated weekly
- Trees for Biological Process, Cellular Component, and Molecular Function are organized using the Gene Ontology (GO) Consortium's descriptions for gene products. PDB IDs and corresponding chain IDs have been mapped to GO terms by the SIFTS initiative
- Enzyme Classification by name or partial/full EC number
- Transporter Classification from the Transporter Classification Database
- Source Organism using organisms found in NCBI Taxonomy
- Genome Location of various organisms, using NCBI Genome and Entrez Gene
- MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) that appear in the entry's related PubMed abstract
- SCOP description of evolutionary and functional relationships from SCOP: Structural Classification of Proteins
- CATH clustering of proteins at four major levels from CATH: Protein Structure Classification
Click Browse from the top of every RCSB PDB page and then the desired Browser Tab to start searching.

Use the Transporter Classification Browser to find PDB's membrane transport proteins as organized by TC Database family ( The browser will autocomplete search terms with the matching classifications, and highlight locations on the tree.